How To Quickly Submit Sitemap To Google,Bing,Yahoo And Ask?

site map submission to google,bing,yahoo,ask

Sitemap a quick glimpse

Sitemap is a map which gives a hint about your site to search engines when you have a blog or website.Many of us will be using Google and Bing webmaster to submit our sitemap.But when you have a new domain name or blog it will take some time to get approval for your submitted sitemap to index in Google,Bing and Yahoo.

So whats the quickest way to index your sitemap ? The answer is,first I have to mention that they offer this for free,the thing we bloggers like the most.Next is that once your Sitemap is created with attracta they will give a nofollow link to your site,dont forget attracta is having PR 6.So attracta is two in one.

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How much time is required for attracta to do the sitemap submission task?

Its only a matter of seconds.

Impressed by attracta,then goto and signup,it will take only matter of seconds.

1.Now enter the url of your site as shown,then click validate site,then add your site.sitemap submission google,bing,yahoo,ask 2.Click on Goto Seo tools as shown below.


sitemap submission google,bing,yahoo,ask

3.Then complete all tasks,screenshot below.


sitemap submission google,bing,yahoo,ask

4.If you done everything correct you can see a screen like below.

sitemap submission google,bing,yahoo,ask

How to get the back link?

1.Click on my account option at top of .
2.Click Settings from side bar.
3.Click View.
Done you got PR 6 backlink to your website and a sitemap.

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  1. 1

    Thanks, I will try when setting up my new website. Also the added nofollow is definitely a plus

  2. 3

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