New Way2sms,Ultoo,Fullonsms App

free sms india

Since mobile sms plan rates have gone up,we frequently google about which are the free sms app available for your smart phone running android OS. We have found Free SMS India as a nice app for your SMS needs.All you need is an android phone running 2.1 or up and a data plan 2G or 3G.The installation package is small as around 300KB,which makes the app handy.The app has also the capability to fetch your contacts which makes texting to your friends a simple task.Free SMS India also has the ability to unify the inbox,so that you can make quick


BSNL Special Offer

bsnl offers

  BSNL offers full talk time offers for recharges from RS 100 to Rs 190 till Oct 16 2013.  


Vodafone Revised SMS Packs


Vodafone revises various sms plan.The revised sms plans are Recharge for Rs.147 and get 1630 Local National SMS FREE Validity: 90 days Recharge for Rs.77 and get 855 Local National SMS FREE Validity: 30 days. Recharge for Rs.47 and get 520 Local National SMS FREE Validity: 15 days. Recharge for Rs.27 and get 450 SMS FREE to Vodafone Numbers Validity: 15 days. Recharge for Rs.22 and get 240 Local National SMS FREE Validity: 10 days. Recharge for Rs.13 and get 140 Local National SMS FREE Validity: 5 days. Bonus 04 gives 50 loc/nat sms changed to BONUS 05 with 55


Vodafone New 2G Data Bonus Cards


Vodafone removes some of the existing bonus card for various internet plan and introduced new bonus card for enjoying 2G internet in Vodafone. Vodafone Bc5″Bc25″Bc45″Bc124 are available till today (08-10-2013). The new internet plans from 09-10-2013 are as follows 8BC –   35MB-    1 Day Validity 29BC – 150MB – 5 Day Validity 49BC- 225MB – 10 Day Validity 155BC – 1GB – 30 Days Validity SMS activation eg – ACT 8 to 144 to enjoy 35 MB 2G for 1 day at just Rs.8. NOTE: Rates may vary in different circles.


Download Opera 17 FINAL

opera logo

Opera the browser loved by many around the world who doesn’t have unlimited internet plans releases its final version Opera 17 Final,a step ahead to save the data with off road mode in new versions and opera turbo for previous version.But note that off road mode or turbo sleeps when you visit secure sites ie starting with ” https:// ” . Now lets see what are new features offered in Opera 17 Final DPI aware on Windows. Pinned tabs – Right click on a tab to pin it so you can’t close it by accidently. New extensions APIs are supported.


Downlaod Waterfox 24.0


This name Waterfox is not as popular compared to other well known browsers,but this browser which is exclusively developed,updated and maintained for 64 bit operating systems.Now some guys are still confused with 32 bit and 64 bit versions of OS,here is a concise explanation to remove all those confusion and to understand the same concept in a better manner. A PC with 64 bit version of windows running on it can use more memory ie 4 GB or more RAM expansion is possible .But a computer with 32 bit OS installed on it can go only up-to 3.5 GB or


Automatic Google Website translator Addon For Firefox


Whenever you use Firefox as the default for surfing the world around you,many times you will come across other language website which you find it hard to read it or even you will not have an idea about the language displayed on the webpage.So you are stuck in the middle of language problem,many guys at this situation Google the keyword and look for translation or just use Google website translator do the job.By doing like this you are loosing precious time,as the saying ‘time and tide waits for none‘. The addon S3.Google Translator for Firefox by Oleksandr do the translation


Download Google Chrome 31.0.1650.8 Beta For Windows,Linux

google chrome

Google Chrome 31.0.1650.8 Beta For Windows,Linux,Mac is available for download. Note: It’s important that updating to the beta build will overwrite your existing stable installation of Chrome,so you can’t run it side-by-side,and you will be automatically updated with the latest beta build. Anytime you switch back to the stable build by visiting the Release Channel page, but note you’ll only properly switch when a stable release newer than your beta build is released. If this is a tough job for you,then just simply uninstall the beta and reinstall the stable version instead. If stability and security doesn’t matters you (since


Download Chrome for Android 30 FINAL

google chrome

Google has released Chrome for Android 30 FINAL, a major new update to its mobile web browser,with major improvements. Whats new in this version Swiping gestures Updated.  Swipe horizontally across the top toolbar to quickly switch tabs. Drag vertically down from the toolbar to enter into the tab switcher view. Drag down from the menu to open the menu and select the item you want without having to lift your finger. Faster searching when going from the Google Search app to Chrome. Improved Password Sync. Search by image on long press. Many other improvements. Chrome for Android 30 is available


DAAD,WISE – Working Internships in Science and Engineering


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers 2-3 months internship at institutions of higher education and research institutes in Germany with German doctoral students, scientists or professors as part of on-going research projects. Who all can apply for this? Students pursuing Bachelor degree/ Dual degree/ Integrated programmes in subjects like engineering, mathematics, natural sciences etc. from selected Indian Universities. Eligibility Pursuing full time Bachelor degree programme at one of the selected Indian Universities who are enrolled in their 5th and 6th semester at the time of application. OR Pursuing full time Dual Degree/ Integrated programme at one of the selected