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How to send free sms on festive days?
All you need is to have an account @ site2sms. Signup and enjoy. Use this site before 9am and after 9pm,during this time your mobile number will be the sender-id. From 9am to 9pm sms send from that site will have your mobile number as the first 10characters.
Convert 1.5MB picture into just 100KB
Requirement-PhotoshopHere is the image that we are going to convert Step1-Open photoshop and open your image that you want to reduce sizeStep2-Do the following steps Enjoy and save a lot of hard disk space.
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How to remove virus from pendrive?
How to remove virus which is a write protected virus Follow these steps and bring your pendrive back into action1) download JetFlash online recovery from: www.transcendusa.com/Support/DLCenter/Software/OnLineRecovery.exe 2) run the program 3) specify the capacity of your drive eg.512 MB, 1 GB …..etc 4) choose “repair and erase all data” OR ” repair and keep existing data” 5) progress bar starts…….completes 6) notification appears —” format complete” 7) unplug and plug it again
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Sent international sms almost free(ie you need to only pay for data that you use)To get app go here
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