F-Secure Freedome VPN Free For 1 Year

F-Secure Freedome VPN

Privacy is the main concern when browsing for various on the world wide web. This where VPN services like F-Secure Freedome VPN comes in to play to protect you from various trackers, harmful apps and other various activities. F-Secure Freedome VPN Features – Very simple to setup, all you have to do is download the F-Secure Freedome VPN app from the playstore, install it and turn on the on the button that’s it you are good to go. Freedome VPN gives you a free 7 days trail after which you can buy their premium service at normal cost, if you


Samsung galaxy S5 vs. HTC One M8: Which one is the right choice ?

Samsung galaxy S5 vs. HTC One M8

The world of smartphones keeps getting bigger, and better. Each year, we are bombarded with epic phones packed to the brim with features ready to outshine each other. Trapped in this raging war, we need to be well informed about the pros and cons of different models before taking any sides! This spring, Samsung has come up with its latest offering from the galaxy S series, Samsung galaxy S5. It is a phone to die for. Well not quite actually. It is a phone which makes living worthwhile. Smoother and better, it sure promises to take the smartphone market by


Perfect Effects 8 Free Full Premium Edition for Windows And Mac

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Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition is a powerful photo manipulation tool designed for professional photographers that allows you to easily transform and touch up photos by adding dozens of filters and effects with one click. Use it as a standalone program, or as a plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, and Apple Aperture. How to get Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition for Windows And Mac for free, normally $99.95 ? Go to this promo link here and hit ” Get it now ” and click on the ” Request download ” button then fill a small with your name


Easily Download Torrent Files Using IDM Three Simple Ways

Easily Download Torrent Files Using IDM Three Simple Ways

Internet Download manger (IDM) is one of the best software to download files from internet. Due to its better performance and lack of ads everyone prefer to use this software. If you are new to IDM I recommend you to use Internet Download Manager to download your internet files. It will give you a new experience for your downloading. For downloading IDM you can visit here. How to easily download torrent files using idm ? Three simple methods Yeah it’s true. Now you can download torrent files easily and quickly using internet download manager. For this you just want to


Cerberus Anti Theft Android App Free Life Time License

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Cerberus anti theft android app is one the best anti theft app that we like use on our android powered smart phones.Now it has been three glorious years for them, to celebrate this they have launched new version of the app and are also giving free lifetime license to new users that uses their anti theft app. Cerberus anti theft android app features -> Web control, like remote control from the web dashboard but integrated into the app -> Touch the device name and you’ll see a navigation icon, that will start “Navigation Mode” : the Google Maps navigator will


Deepam New Plan From BSNL For Kerala Prepaid Customers

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Deepam is a new plan from BSNL for its prepaid customers in Kerala Details of BSNL Deepam plan are as follows Cost of SIM card Rs.20 for 32 / 64 K Rs.59 for 128K Initial activation charge for Enrollment RS 17 Initial Freebies for 30 days 1000 sec (nearly 17 min.) free to BSNL n/w Pulse rate applicable In seconds Outgoing call charges from Kerala (Local + STD) 1.2ps/sec to BSNL n/w & 1.4ps/sec to other n/w Outgoing calls charges while roaming 1.2ps/sec to any n/w within the visited circle 1.4ps/sec to any n/w for STD calls Initial Validity 180


Free Topaz ReStyle, WonderFox DVD Video Converter,DiskFerret

Free Topaz ReStyle (Win and Mac, normally $59) Topaz ReStyle is a Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture or iPhoto plugin created to expand the style possibilities in your photos by providing you with over a thousand different effects. Topaz Restyle has over 1,000 presets and customised effects that allow you to imagine dozens of interpretations from any image using creative color, cross-processing, tinting, and more. Features of Topaz ReStyle – Use breakthrough image mapping technology. maps external tones + colors into image, giving fantastic results. – Full control over the results by fine-tuning each effect’s colors and using the built-in HSL adjustments.


Download UC Browser Mini 9.1, UC Browser HD 3.1 for Android

uc browser HD

UC browser from ucweb releases yet another stable and improved version of UC browser mini and uc browser HD for android users. What features comes new in UC browser mini 9.1 from UCWEB ? – A Cooler UI :- UI effects now more pleasant – Simplified Settings :- Browser settings are now easier to adjust – Increased Stability :- Reduced browser crashes – Bug Fix :- Fixed bugs related to password saving Official version of UC browser mini 9.1 can be downloaded by visiting Google Playstore You may also like : Download UC Browser For Android Other than mini


Free RoboForm Everywhere License,MobileGo for Android

Free RoboForm Everywhere 1 Year Full Version License RoboForm Everywhere is a simple, cost-effective, and easy-to-understand password manager and web form filler program. You just need to remember one Master Password, and RoboForm remembers the rest. This allows you to use stronger passwords, making your online experience more secure. RoboForm uses strong AES encryption for complete data security. In addition, RoboForm Everywhere automatically sync your logins, identities, bookmarks, contacts, and other data across all your devices including desktop PCs, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. So you’ll always have access to your data anywhere and anytime. Features – Memorizes your passwords and


Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 promo,AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager Pro

Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) 2014 promo ( 1 year license ) Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 delivers essential antivirus technologies for your PC – with real-time, cloud-assisted protection against the latest malware threats. Working ‘behind the scenes’ – with intelligent virus scanning and small, frequent updates – it proactively defends your PC against both known and emerging threats, without any significant impact on your PC’s performance. Features of KAV 2014 Advanced Antivirus – protection against computer viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware and more Real-Time Protection – using web-assisted technology to defend against the very latest malware threats Instant Safety Checks – providing an