StatCounter android app
StatCounter the website analytics services launched its free android and iOS app in the respective market.
StatCounter android app review
Like the desktop version of StatCounter, the team has managed to incorporate most of the functions to its android app, namely
- Summary
- Visitors
- Came From
- Popular Pages
- Browsers
- Operating Systems
- Search Engines
- Countries
- Entry Pages
- Exit Pages
- Recent Keywords
- Exit Links
- Exit Link Activity
- Downloads
- Download Activity
- Visit Length
- Returning Visits
- Keyword Analysis
- Mobile Devices
- Platforms
The apk package of the app is just less than 6MB of size and unpacks into 10MB after installing.
In-order to start using the free app enter your StatCounter credentials and hit the login button, select your project and start monitoring the stat of your blog or website right from your android /iOS powered devices.
Resource usage of your android device with StatCounter android app
- Apps seems to crash every time when we tried to scroll down on the “came from” section.
- The free version like any other app comes loaded with ads in the footer
- No option to move the app to external storage which is evident from the picture shown above
Don’t have a smart device?
No worries, you can access your analytics from the feature phone by just going here on the default browser of by using opera mini.
Note : Before proceeding with the installation make sure that you are using StatCounter WordPress plugin.
Looks like they need to roll out a better version of StatCounter android app with rich and smooth operation.
Click here to download StatCounter android app from the Google PlayStore for free.