File transfer made easy

JustBeamIt is a beta service that makes transferring files a snap! Drag and drop a file, < 2GB in size, into the drop zone (box with highlighted border). A link will show that you can send to share the file, and you should see the message "waiting for recipient..."Once your recipient starts downloading the file, the progress will start moving. Do NOT close the page at any point until the transfer is complete, as this will stop the transfer.  After the transfer is complete, you will see the message “transfer completed!” You can now safely close your browser window.


Free cloud storage!

why pay for the cloud storage when its available for free?Ya its minus signup here and get additional 1gb of storage Signup What is Minus? Minus is the fun, simple way to share your files. Free and unlimited file sharing for your images, videos, music and documents. A universal file sharing platform that lets you share, explore and connect. Why is Minus absolutely free? Our goal is to create a world-class product and experience for our users and the business model will follow. We can see many ways Minus can monetize itself. Minus is venture funded by IDG Capital Partners,