VLC 2.1.3

It has been years still vlc is at the top postion when you consider a media player for playing videos,due to various reasons like drop any video it will start to play without any hiccups and due to its simple layout which gives easiness to play with Vlc. Now vlc has launched latest stable build VLC Media Player 2.1.3 with some improvements. You may also like : VLC 2.2 VLC Media Player 2.1.3 improvements – Fixes numerous bugs, notably numerous regressions introduced in “RinceWind” and 2.1.2. – Important fixes involve Audio and Video output management on most platforms. – Improves


Download VLC 2.1.0-pre2 Test version

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VLC 2.1.0 – pre2 which is a test version of the next major version of VLC, named “Rincewind”,is available for download. Click here to Download


VLC (NEON version) 0.0.1 for android

Now get the vlc player for android.DescriptionVLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player that plays most multimedia files as well as discs, devices, and network streaming protocols. This is a BETA version of the port to the Androidâ„¢ platform. It is intended for power users and hackers. This version is NOT stable and is slower than the final version. It might kill your kitten, destroy your house and start the mayan apocalypse.Use it at your own risk. Have Fun! đŸ™‚Requires Android-2.1 and up Click here to goto VLC (NEON version) 0.0.1


VLC Media Player 2.0.2 FINAL

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Download VLC Media Player 2.0.2 FINAL Click here to go to vlc media player nightly 2.1.0


VLC Media Player Nightly 2.2.0,vlc 2.1.0,vlc 2.0.8

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VLC 2.2.0 Download(windows 32-bit) Dowload(windows 64-bit) VLC 2.1.0 Download(windows 32-bit) Dowload(windows 64-bit) VLC 2.0.8 Download vlc-2.0.8