The best internet browser if you dont have unlimited internet plan.

Data saved for me by opera When Opera Turbo is enabled, webpages are compressed via Opera’s servers so that they use much less data than the originals. This means that there is less to download, so you can see your webpages more quickly.Enabling Opera Turbo is as simple as clicking the Opera Turbo icon at the bottom-left of the Opera browser window. When you are on a fast connection again and Opera Turbo is not needed, the Opera browser will automatically disable it..  When opera turbo feature is enabled.    How to enable it?1.Click the Opera Turbo button on the


File transfer made easy

JustBeamIt is a beta service that makes transferring files a snap! Drag and drop a file, < 2GB in size, into the drop zone (box with highlighted border). A link will show that you can send to share the file, and you should see the message "waiting for recipient..."Once your recipient starts downloading the file, the progress will start moving. Do NOT close the page at any point until the transfer is complete, as this will stop the transfer.  After the transfer is complete, you will see the message “transfer completed!” You can now safely close your browser window.